__Special Issues of Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.__
**"Advanced Command, Control and On-Board Data Processing for Space Avionic Systems"
Submission deadline: September 1, 2017.**\\
__Special Issues of Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.__
**"Design of Reversible Computing Systems
Submission deadline: March 1, 2018.** \\
**Congratulations to the Nemesys team for [[http://www.ansa.it/scienza/notizie/ragazzi/primopiano/2017/01/19/progetto-italiano-per-difendere-aerei-da-raggi-cosmici_41f6142b-8f77-427b-9808-2a8f70819f74.html|being admitted to fly their experiment in the Bexus Program.]] ** \\
[[https://bexus-nemesys.jimdo.com/|Nemesys project webpage]]\\
Two papers of our group have been recently accepted for publication of IEEE Transaction on Computers ([[publications|Selected list of publications]])\\
Our group has been selected for a [[http://www.cisco.com/web/about/ac50/ac207/crc_new/recipients.html#two|CISCO Research Award]]
for the use of Bloom filters for error detection in Content
Addressable Memories\\