==== Research on Nanotechnologies ==== \\ The latest studies on this research area are related to: === High Throughput and Low Power Dissipation in QCA Pipelines using Bennett Clocking === A detailed analysis of an architectural pipeline scheme for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) has been carried out. This scheme utilizes the so-called Bennett clocking for attaining high throughput and low power dissipation. In this arrangement, computation stages (utilizing Bennett clocking) and memory stages combine the low power dissipation of reversible computing with the high throughput feature of a pipeline. An example of the application of the proposed scheme to an XOR tree circuit (parity generator) has been performed and a detailed analysis of throughput and power consumption has been conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed architectural solution for QCA. === HDLQ A Hardware Description Language for QCA === Emerging technologies have attracted a substantial interest in overcoming the physical limitations of CMOS as projected at the end of the Technology Roadmap; among these technologies, quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) relies on different and novel paradigms to implement dense, low power circuits and systems for high-performance computing. As applicable to existing technologies, a hierarchical process can be utilized to facilitate the design of QCA circuits. Tools and methodologies both at system and physical levels are required to support all design phases. This research proposes an HDL model to describe QCA “devices” (also referred elsewhere in the technical literature as building blocks, i.e., majority voter, inverter, wire, crossover) and facilitate the evaluation of their design. This tool, referred to as HDLQ, allows a designer to verify the logic characteristics of a QCA system, while supporting within a design environment different operational mechanisms (such as fault injection) and the unique features of QCA (such as bidirectionality and timing/clocking partitioning). The full paper can be found in the [[pubblications|publications section]]. Interested users and researchers can find the verilog library is the following [[http://dftgroupsvn.uniroma2.it/browser/HDLQ|svn repository]].